The clubhouse started to vivrate, and everything was spinning Suddenly a white flash appeared and I fell down somewere on the ground. I look arround and I found a big castle decorated with flags of shels and I recognized that it was a joust., due to all the people of the village were there.
I realized I wasn´t wearing my glasses, but I could see everything perfectly. I tried to stand up but when I stood in two legs, I fell again and stood in four making a snort.
-Is that me?- I asked myself- Is that me?
Yes, it was me! I was a horse! A white horse with a green tunic on my back. I stood up and started walking. It wasn´t difficult and I was also very fast. In that moment the trompets sounded, someone climbed on me and I heard a familiar voice who said:
-Where´s Max now that I need him?-It was Steve!
-I´m here I replied.
I looked at him and I couldn´t recognise if it was Steve the one who was talking to me. He looked like a man. Like a big strong man; his voice was deep and strong, but I couldn´t see his face bacause of the metalic helmet he was wearing. but when heared that nervous tone of voice, all my doubts desappeared-It was really my best friend.